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8G20030 - Резинка

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    8G20030 - Резинка
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 1190
    Ціна: 78,50 грн

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      - 20007683 | DR. COFFEE 8.G.2.0030
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    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54045 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "38723" public $category_id => string(3) "361" public $name => string(54) "8S10408 - Фіксуюче кільце міксера" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(7) "8S10408" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(94) "" public $product_price => double(124.80155230199) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1151" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "3.686370" public $product_quantity => string(5) "30.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(67) "/cuperavtomaty/drcoffee/f11-2-8l/8s10408-fiksuyuche-kilitse-miksera" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "2.830000" public $product_price_wp => double(124.80155230199) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#53699 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(30) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(14) "8.S.1.0408.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(20) "thumb_8.S.1.0408.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(46) "/cart/add?category_id=361&product_id=38723" }
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      40,57 грн
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    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54043 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "38721" public $category_id => string(3) "381" public $name => string(45) "8S10306 - Крильчатка міксера" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(7) "8S10306" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(94) "" public $product_price => double(138.03139883577) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1206" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "1.843200" public $product_quantity => string(5) "71.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(67) "/cuperavtomaty/drcoffee/f2-f2-plus-f2-h/8s10306-krylichatka-miksera" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "3.130000" public $product_price_wp => double(138.03139883577) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#53708 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(71) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(14) "8.S.1.0306.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(20) "thumb_8.S.1.0306.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(46) "/cart/add?category_id=381&product_id=38721" }
      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 71
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54042 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "38743" public $category_id => string(1) "2" public $name => string(66) "7NN0243 - Група клапану тиску(coffeebar, minibar)" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(7) "7NN0243" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(93) "" public $product_price => double(3016.4050097019) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1443" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "77.580000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "12.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(62) "/cuperavtomaty/7nn0243-grupa-klapanu-tysku-coffeebar,-minibar-" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(9) "68.400000" public $product_price_wp => double(3016.4050097019) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#53698 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(12) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(13) "7.NN.0243.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(19) "thumb_7.NN.0243.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=2&product_id=38743" }
      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 12
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54041 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "53650" public $category_id => string(3) "381" public $name => string(37) "8W10005 - Right bracket of the brewer" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(7) "8W10005" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(91) "" public $product_price => double(1770.3122243782) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "381" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "40.143600" public $product_quantity => string(5) "10.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(75) "/cuperavtomaty/drcoffee/f2-f2-plus-f2-h/8w10005-right-bracket-of-the-brewer" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(9) "40.143600" public $product_price_wp => double(1770.3122243782) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#53693 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(10) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(11) "8W10005.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(17) "thumb_8W10005.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(46) "/cart/add?category_id=381&product_id=53650" }
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      Кількість на складі: 10
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