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251143 - Алюмінієва шайба necta

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    251143 - Алюмінієва шайба necta
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 21
    Ціна: 13,11 грн
    11,80 грн
    50 Шт. - 9999 Шт.

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      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 139
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      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 2528
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      Товар закінчується
      Кількість на складі: 3
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54379 (48) { public $product_id => string(4) "3045" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(69) "098708 - Мотор редуктор bitron кофеблока necta" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "098708" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(91) "" public $product_price => double(2447.2315692872) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "2587" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "15" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "62.980000" public $product_quantity => string(4) "0.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(53) "/vending/098708-motor-reduktor-bitron-kofebloka-necta" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(9) "56.000000" public $product_price_wp => double(2447.2315692872) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#54120 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(0) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(11) "0987081.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(17) "thumb_0987081.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(82) "" public $_label_name => string(32) "скоро в наявності" public $buy_link => string(43) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=3045" public $_tmp_var_top_buttons => string(221) "Замовити" }
      скоро в наявності
      • background
      • background
      Відгуків (0)
      Немає в наявності
      2447,23 грн
      Немає в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 0
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54378 (47) { public $product_id => string(4) "3044" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(77) "098707 - Турбіна лічильник води 1,8 мм necta" public $short_description => string(39) "ENTRATA/USCITA Ø 7 MM UGELLO Ø 1,8 MM" public $product_ean => string(6) "098707" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(91) "" public $product_price => double(349.60450989818) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "4411" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "9.600000" public $product_quantity => string(6) "166.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(63) "/vending/098707-turbina-lichylinyk-vody-9-0-99-19g-1,8-mm-necta" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "8.000000" public $product_price_wp => double(349.60450989818) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#54098 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(166) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(11) "098707..JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(17) "thumb_098707..JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(43) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=3044" }
      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 166
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54377 (45) { public $product_id => string(4) "3058" public $category_id => string(2) "80" public $name => string(19) "099107 - Гайка" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "099107" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(167.37315911375) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "2366" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "3.830000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "15.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(33) "/cuperavtomaty/necta/099107-gajka" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "3.830000" public $product_price_wp => double(167.37315911375) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#54086 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(15) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "099107.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_099107.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=80&product_id=3058" }
      • background
      Відгуків (0)
      167,37 грн
      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 15
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54376 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "13881" public $category_id => string(2) "87" public $name => string(87) "9070.042.00A - Ulka насос (помпа) ex5gw 230/240v 50hz sd1 бьянко 15 bar" public $short_description => string(451) "насос універсальний
      Type: Vibration
      Model:EX5GW ULKA Code:1.01.320.GW/PA
      Voltage:230V 50Hz
      Integrated Diode: (1N 4007P) (Space for a fuse in case pump overheats - better a fuse blown than have to replace the pump )
      Fittings ø 1/8"- ø 6 mm
      Pressure max 15 bar
      Water temperature: Max 35°C (EX5 pumps are 20°C)
      Connector 6.3x0.8 mm
      NSF approved" public $product_ean => string(12) "9070.042.00A" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(97) "" public $product_price => double(700.0830310711) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "2846" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "15.379200" public $product_quantity => string(5) "21.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(95) "/vending/saeco/atlante-500/9070-042-00a-ulka-nasos-pompa-ex5gw-230-240v-50hz-sd1-biianko-15-bar" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(9) "16.020000" public $product_price_wp => double(700.0830310711) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#54082 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(21) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(17) "9070.042.00A1.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(23) "thumb_9070.042.00A1.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(45) "/cart/add?category_id=87&product_id=13881" }
      насос універсальний
      Type: Vibration
      Model:EX5GW ULKA Code:1.01.320.GW/PA
      Voltage:230V 50Hz
      Integrated Diode: (1N 4007P) (Space for a fuse in case pump overheats - better a fuse blown than have to replace the pump )
      Fittings ø 1/8"- ø 6 mm
      Pressure max 15 bar
      Water temperature: Max 35°C (EX5 pumps are 20°C)
      Connector 6.3x0.8 mm
      NSF approved
      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 21
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54375 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "24036" public $category_id => string(2) "75" public $name => string(92) "VE99101A - Зворотній клапан 1/8 099101, 04041016 bianchi , necta,rheavendors" public $short_description => string(28) "Старый арт. 4041016" public $product_ean => string(8) "VE99101A" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(92) "" public $product_price => double(297.16383341345) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "4568" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "5.940000" public $product_quantity => string(6) "393.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(89) "/vending/necta/ve99101a-zvorotnij-klapan-1-8-099101,-04041016-bianchi-,-necta,rheavendors" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "6.800000" public $product_price_wp => double(297.16383341345) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#54116 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(393) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(12) "VE99101A.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(18) "thumb_VE99101A.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(45) "/cart/add?category_id=75&product_id=24036" }
      Старый арт. 4041016
      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 393
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54374 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "40038" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(63) "VE0V4275 - Римач (гумовий) помпи necta 0v4275" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(8) "VE0V4275" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(92) "" public $product_price => double(78.66101472709) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1140" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "1.692000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "32.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(51) "/vending/ve0v4275-rymach-gumovyj-pompy-necta-0v4275" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "1.800000" public $product_price_wp => double(78.66101472709) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#54068 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(32) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(12) "VE0V4275.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(18) "thumb_VE0V4275.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=40038" }
      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 32
    • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#54373 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "48698" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(96) "22000-15-065-01G-R - Помпа улька ep5/s gw 230v-50hz delonghi 5113211311, 5113211281" public $short_description => string(314) "MADE IN ITALY
      насос універсальний
      нове вогнезахисний пластик.

      APPLICATIONS - Food & Beverage, steam irons, carpet washers, medical and dental appliances, drink dispensers, water gasifiers, smoke machines, air conditioners." public $product_ean => string(18) "22000-15-065-01G-R" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(103) "" public $product_price => double(428.26552462527) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "2231" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "9.310000" public $product_quantity => string(6) "606.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(90) "/vending/22000-15-065-01g-r-pompa-ulika-ep5-s-gw-230v-50hz-delonghi-5113211311,-5113211281" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "9.800000" public $product_price_wp => double(428.26552462527) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#54092 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(606) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(23) "22000-15-065-01G-R1.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(29) "thumb_22000-15-065-01G-R1.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=48698" }
      насос універсальний
      нове вогнезахисний пластик.

      APPLICATIONS - Food & Beverage, steam irons, carpet washers, medical and dental appliances, drink dispensers, water gasifiers, smoke machines, air conditioners.
      Товар в наявності
      Кількість на складі: 606
      Copyright MAXXmarketing GmbH
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