Товарів: 70
Сума: 55681,72 грн
43031516 - Заглушка блоку клапанів g1/8  6084/2n 43031516 - Заглушка блоку клапанів g1/8 6084/2n 43031516
77,69 грн
77,69 грн
NM01.065 - О-кільце orm 0420-40 червоне силіконове fda 65/70 sh NM01.065 - О-кільце orm 0420-40 червоне силіконове fda 65/70 sh NM01.065
39,49 грн
39,49 грн
11033102 - Електромагнітний блок 2 ways 24v type 9000 11033102 - Електромагнітний блок 2 ways 24v type 9000 11033102
5245,87 грн
5245,87 грн
251761 - Скребок кави 251761 - Скребок кави 251761
156,24 грн
156,24 грн
U201.001 - Звичайна шайба 3,2x9 din 7349 z lv. saeco U201.001 - Звичайна шайба 3,2x9 din 7349 z lv. saeco U201.001
11,85 грн
11,85 грн
05099116 - Blow-hole rubber cap bianchi 05099116 - Blow-hole rubber cap bianchi 05099116
34,72 грн
34,72 грн
9991.140.050 - Пластиковий корпус лічильника keisu gx- 9991.140.050 - Пластиковий корпус лічильника keisu gx- 9991.140.050
81,68 грн
81,68 грн
VE260365 - Пластина з чотирма входами електроклапанів necta 253280 / 260365 VE260365 - Пластина з чотирма входами електроклапанів necta 253280 / 260365 VE260365
2263,49 грн
2263,49 грн
PURCAP001 - Coffee cleaner 900г.+anticalc purify agent 900г. (2 шт) PURCAP001 - Coffee cleaner 900г.+anticalc purify agent 900г. (2 шт) PURCAP001
486,96 грн
486,96 грн
VE485 - Фігурна прокладка з прозорого силікону bianchi 05143815 VE485 - Фігурна прокладка з прозорого силікону bianchi 05143815 VE485
42,97 грн
42,97 грн
VE16014812 - Фільтр-сито заварювального блока d=34mm для кавомашин bianchi 16014812 VE16014812 - Фільтр-сито заварювального блока d=34mm для кавомашин bianchi 16014812 VE16014812
95,48 грн
95,48 грн
8G20013 - Силіконовий перехідник для помпи 8G20013 - Силіконовий перехідник для помпи 8G20013
206,15 грн
206,15 грн
8D30037 - Трансформатор 8D30037 - Трансформатор 8D30037
1221,30 грн
1221,30 грн
U302.004 - Металева гайка m6 U302.004 - Металева гайка m6 U302.004
16,93 грн
16,93 грн
631205 - Shower screen . 33.5 mm 631205 - Shower screen . 33.5 mm 631205
347,21 грн
347,21 грн
SAE162 - Прокладка o-ring 0090-20  для кавомашини saeco gaggia 13x9x2mm nm01.035 SAE162 - Прокладка o-ring 0090-20 для кавомашини saeco gaggia 13x9x2mm nm01.035 SAE162
7,33 грн
14,66 грн
8S10112_002 - Корпус шестерень кавомолки б/у 8S10112_002 - Корпус шестерень кавомолки б/у 8S10112_002
176,64 грн
176,64 грн
7NN0069 - Клапан 15 бар - f2h 7NN0069 - Клапан 15 бар - f2h 7NN0069
1161,41 грн
1161,41 грн
9111.630.060 - Пластикова коричнева накладка на бункер 9111.630.060 - Пластикова коричнева накладка на бункер 9111.630.060
112,84 грн
112,84 грн
A001 - Прокладка поршня 0 50 - aurora-brugnetti A001 - Прокладка поршня 0 50 - aurora-brugnetti A001
78,08 грн
78,08 грн
265321 - Прозоро/сірий контейнер для води v2 lav.v2  в зборі 265321 - Прозоро/сірий контейнер для води v2 lav.v2 в зборі 265321
2560,65 грн
2560,65 грн
PURANT006 - Anticalc 900г ultra кислотний порошкоподібний від мінеральних відкладень та накипу PURANT006 - Anticalc 900г ultra кислотний порошкоподібний від мінеральних відкладень та накипу PURANT006
267,57 грн
267,57 грн
MG071/2 - Помпа 48w ulka e type ex7/pa 230v/50hz ceme 10132908pa MG071/2 - Помпа 48w ulka e type ex7/pa 230v/50hz ceme 10132908pa MG071/2
623,06 грн
623,06 грн
C400241 - Manovella C400241 - Manovella C400241
91,14 грн
91,14 грн
35155236 - Шайба d.4,3x9x08 ix  bianchi 35155236 - Шайба d.4,3x9x08 ix bianchi 35155236
2,17 грн
2,17 грн
VE99099 - Лічильник води 974-9521-b nsf турбіна 1.2  nv99.099 VE99099 - Лічильник води 974-9521-b nsf турбіна 1.2 nv99.099 VE99099
249,99 грн
499,98 грн
221057 - Прокладка міксеру sagomata v-ring  nero 221057 - Прокладка міксеру sagomata v-ring nero 221057
85,93 грн
171,86 грн
8D10006 - Кабелю f2h dr. coffee 8D10006 - Кабелю f2h dr. coffee 8D10006
420,12 грн
420,12 грн
265527 - Силіконова трубка 3,5x6    2 метри saeco 9972.206 265527 - Силіконова трубка 3,5x6 2 метри saeco 9972.206 265527
195,30 грн
195,30 грн
8D10002 - Плата сенсору hmi - f2h 8D10002 - Плата сенсору hmi - f2h 8D10002
3124,86 грн
3124,86 грн
8W60011 - Сіто робочої групи f2h, f11 8W60011 - Сіто робочої групи f2h, f11 8W60011
593,72 грн
593,72 грн
32227256 - Саморіз s/pdin 7981 cl5 3,9x9,5zb bianchi 32227256 - Саморіз s/pdin 7981 cl5 3,9x9,5zb bianchi 32227256
6,94 грн
6,94 грн
149185850 - Тримач (гумовий)помпи для кавомашин saeco magic 4002012 (universal) 149185850 - Тримач (гумовий)помпи для кавомашин saeco magic 4002012 (universal) 149185850
28,64 грн
57,28 грн
V1115/58 - Темпер із сталі з пластиковою ручкою д 58 мм V1115/58 - Темпер із сталі з пластиковою ручкою д 58 мм V1115/58
1022,87 грн
1022,87 грн
7NN0025_002 - Датчик хола взборі б/у 7NN0025_002 - Датчик хола взборі б/у 7NN0025_002
183,80 грн
183,80 грн
VLV108 - О-кільце 2068 17,17x1,78 spinel sr.000.060.040 VLV108 - О-кільце 2068 17,17x1,78 spinel sr.000.060.040 VLV108
26,04 грн
26,04 грн
MG071 - Помпа 48w ulka e type ex5 230v/50hz ceme 10132007pa MG071 - Помпа 48w ulka e type ex5 230v/50hz ceme 10132007pa MG071
501,89 грн
1003,78 грн
0102050018 - Болт 0102050018 - Болт 0102050018
3,04 грн
3,04 грн
0V3888 - Електроклапан розчинних продуктів 0V3888 - Електроклапан розчинних продуктів 0V3888
2818,99 грн
2818,99 грн
VE20018826 - Редукторний мотор 24 в dc 16 об / хв. bianchi 20018826 VE20018826 - Редукторний мотор 24 в dc 16 об / хв. bianchi 20018826 VE20018826
1596,11 грн
1596,11 грн
7NN0246 - Паровий бойлер у зборі  dr. coffee (coffeebar, minibar) 7NN0246 - Паровий бойлер у зборі dr. coffee (coffeebar, minibar) 7NN0246
13060,20 грн
13060,20 грн
101011EFM - Помпа ceme type ex5fm 230v~50hz w40 15 bar 101011EFM - Помпа ceme type ex5fm 230v~50hz w40 15 bar 101011EFM
651,01 грн
651,01 грн
C757 - Парова трубка cimbali m39 C757 - Парова трубка cimbali m39 C757
1170,78 грн
1170,78 грн
4444444444 - Мідно-графітові щітки 18.2x5.9x3.95 (2 шт) saeco 20007420 4444444444 - Мідно-графітові щітки 18.2x5.9x3.95 (2 шт) saeco 20007420 4444444444
54,25 грн
54,25 грн
8S10077 - Штифт водовідвідного сіта робочої групи f11 8S10077 - Штифт водовідвідного сіта робочої групи f11 8S10077
72,91 грн
72,91 грн
8S10163 - Пластикова гільза рг f2h, f2plus 8S10163 - Пластикова гільза рг f2h, f2plus 8S10163
593,72 грн
593,72 грн
282058858 - Проточний  бойлер 1100w 230v philips saeco 996530032517 282058858 - Проточний бойлер 1100w 230v philips saeco 996530032517 282058858
928,35 грн
928,35 грн
146520100 - Жернов (керамічний ) для кавомашин saeco 48x28 (1 шт) 996530016342 / 421944078641 146520100 - Жернов (керамічний ) для кавомашин saeco 48x28 (1 шт) 996530016342 / 421944078641 146520100
352,85 грн
352,85 грн
093167 - Силіконова прокладка 0-кільце 4118  necta 093167 - Силіконова прокладка 0-кільце 4118 necta 093167
27,26 грн
27,26 грн
SAE105 - Прокладка o-ring для кавомашини saeco nm01.057 / 996530059419 SAE105 - Прокладка o-ring для кавомашини saeco nm01.057 / 996530059419 SAE105
15,10 грн
15,10 грн
NE09.021 - Термостат 150 nc faston 90 NE09.021 - Термостат 150 nc faston 90 NE09.021
160,58 грн
160,58 грн
V1229 - Нок_бокс сірий V1229 - Нок_бокс сірий V1229
1085,02 грн
1085,02 грн
VE24012116 - Лічильник води 974-9522/b 1.8mm   bianchi  24012116   saeco nv99.100 VE24012116 - Лічильник води 974-9522/b 1.8mm bianchi 24012116 saeco nv99.100 VE24012116
303,81 грн
303,81 грн
8D10004 - Силова група power pcba 8D10004 - Силова група power pcba 8D10004
4832,26 грн
4832,26 грн
11005214 - Двигун робочої групи для кавомашини   saeco p124 11005214 - Двигун робочої групи для кавомашини saeco p124 11005214
857,25 грн
857,25 грн
5313217701. - Прокладка o-ring для кавоварки 3.85x2mm delonghi (5313217701) 5313217701. - Прокладка o-ring для кавоварки 3.85x2mm delonghi (5313217701) 5313217701.
13,02 грн
13,02 грн
AS016 - Глухе сито astoria AS016 - Глухе сито astoria AS016
86,37 грн
86,37 грн
8G30037 - Арміровна силіконова трубка 4*8,5 (1 метр) 8G30037 - Арміровна силіконова трубка 4*8,5 (1 метр) 8G30037
390,61 грн
390,61 грн
8W40008 - Мідна шайба для кріплення 8W40008 - Мідна шайба для кріплення 8W40008
133,67 грн
133,67 грн
PM278 - Прозора частина корпуса (верх) PM278 - Прозора частина корпуса (верх) PM278
1536,39 грн
1536,39 грн
SM402 - On/off накладка вимикача пластикова SM402 - On/off накладка вимикача пластикова SM402
477,41 грн
477,41 грн
098707 - Турбіна лічильник води 1,8 мм necta 098707 - Турбіна лічильник води 1,8 мм necta 098707
347,21 грн
347,21 грн
Q228 - Насос (помпа)  model e type ex5 24v 50/60hz  48w 15bar  2/1 on-off Q228 - Насос (помпа) model e type ex5 24v 50/60hz 48w 15bar 2/1 on-off Q228
737,57 грн
737,57 грн
F272 - Сито в холдер на 1 чашку gaggia faema bezzera marzocco casadio wega F272 - Сито в холдер на 1 чашку gaggia faema bezzera marzocco casadio wega F272
86,80 грн
86,80 грн
11025295 - Трубка тефлонова 3x6 l.170 1/8  -1/8 11025295 - Трубка тефлонова 3x6 l.170 1/8 -1/8 11025295
566,38 грн
566,38 грн
  • Разом: 55681,72 грн

093091 - Амортизатор помпи

Товар в наявності
Кількість на складі: 24
Ціна: 25,17 грн

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    Кількість на складі: 6
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52712 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "31206" public $category_id => string(3) "191" public $name => string(44) "256920 - Куток l подібний d.8" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "256920" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(80.725662948657) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "457" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "2.220000" public $product_quantity => string(4) "4.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(59) "/cuperavtomaty/necta/krea-touch/256920-kutok-l-podibnyj-d-8" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "1.860000" public $product_price_wp => double(80.725662948657) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52372 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(4) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "256920.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_256920.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(46) "/cart/add?category_id=191&product_id=31206" }
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    Кількість на складі: 4
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52709 (47) { public $product_id => string(4) "3078" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(63) "099893 - Насос 2.5bar склопластик ep8 230v 50hz" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "099893" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(91) "" public $product_price => double(911.41877522677) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1855" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "19.796400" public $product_quantity => string(5) "24.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(54) "/vending/099893-nasos-2-5bar-skloplastyk-ep8-230v-50hz" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(9) "21.000000" public $product_price_wp => double(911.41877522677) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52401 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(24) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(11) "099893..jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(17) "thumb_099893..jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(43) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=3078" }
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 24
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52708 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "25871" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(85) "097512 - Силіконова трубка 6 x 12 коричневий (1метри)" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "097512" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(336.79093789332) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "834" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "6.600000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "79.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(60) "/vending/097512-sylikonova-trubka-6-x-12-korychnevyj-1metry-" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "7.760000" public $product_price_wp => double(336.79093789332) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52333 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(79) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "097512.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_097512.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=25871" }
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 79
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52707 (45) { public $product_id => string(4) "3058" public $category_id => string(2) "80" public $name => string(19) "099107 - Гайка" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "099107" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(166.22542424374) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1562" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "3.830000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "58.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(33) "/cuperavtomaty/necta/099107-gajka" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "3.830000" public $product_price_wp => double(166.22542424374) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52423 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(58) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "099107.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_099107.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=80&product_id=3058" }
    • background
    Відгуків (0)
    166,23 грн
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 58
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52706 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "24071" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(80) "VE98764 - Надлишковий клапан насоса (12 bar) necta 098764" public $short_description => string(27) "Старый арт. 098764" public $product_ean => string(7) "VE98764" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(93) "" public $product_price => double(230.89275639078) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "4693" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "8.532000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "74.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(63) "/vending/ve98764-nadlyshkovyj-klapan-nasosa-12-bar-necta-098764" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "5.320000" public $product_price_wp => double(230.89275639078) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52427 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(74) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(13) "VE98764...JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(19) "thumb_VE98764...JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=24071" }
    Старый арт. 098764
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 74
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52705 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "44622" public $category_id => string(2) "76" public $name => string(65) "07016416-01 - Крепление помпы (euros) necta bianchi" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(11) "07016416-01" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(106.33219044312) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "177" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "0.000000" public $product_quantity => string(4) "7.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(65) "/vending/bianchi/07016416-01-kreplenye-pompы-euros-necta-bianchi" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "2.450000" public $product_price_wp => double(106.33219044312) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52374 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(7) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "098697.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_098697.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(45) "/cart/add?category_id=76&product_id=44622" }
    Товар закінчується
    Кількість на складі: 7
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52704 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "24036" public $category_id => string(2) "75" public $name => string(92) "VE99101A - Зворотній клапан 1/8 099101, 04041016 bianchi , necta,rheavendors" public $short_description => string(28) "Старый арт. 4041016" public $product_ean => string(8) "VE99101A" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(92) "" public $product_price => double(295.12607959724) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "3557" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "5.940000" public $product_quantity => string(6) "538.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(89) "/vending/necta/ve99101a-zvorotnij-klapan-1-8-099101,-04041016-bianchi-,-necta,rheavendors" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "6.800000" public $product_price_wp => double(295.12607959724) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52358 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(538) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(12) "VE99101A.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(18) "thumb_VE99101A.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(45) "/cart/add?category_id=75&product_id=24036" }
    Старый арт. 4041016
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 538
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52703 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "24119" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(97) "VE90421 - Прокладка o-ring 2025 6,07x1,78 мм чорне (ex nm02.007, 090421, 0v0782 )" public $short_description => string(27) "Старый арт. 0V0782" public $product_ean => string(7) "VE90421" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(92) "" public $product_price => double(5.2081072870101) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "3552" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "0.220000" public $product_quantity => string(7) "5152.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(87) "/vending/ve90421-prokladka-o-ring-2025-6,07x1,78-mm-chorne-ex-nm02-007,-090421,-0v0782-" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "0.120000" public $product_price_wp => double(5.2081072870101) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52435 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(5152) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(12) "VE904211.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(18) "thumb_VE904211.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=24119" }
    Старый арт. 0V0782
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 5152
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52702 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "48698" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(63) "22000-15-065-01G-R - Помпа улька ep5/s gw 230v-50hz" public $short_description => string(248) "NEW GLOW WIRE
    нове вогнезахисний пластик.

    APPLICATIONS - Food & Beverage, steam irons, carpet washers, medical and dental appliances, drink dispensers, water gasifiers, smoke machines, air conditioners." public $product_ean => string(18) "22000-15-065-01G-R" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(103) "" public $product_price => double(425.32876177249) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "718" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "8.844500" public $product_quantity => string(6) "905.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(58) "/vending/22000-15-065-01g-r-pompa-ulika-ep5-s-gw-230v-50hz" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "9.800000" public $product_price_wp => double(425.32876177249) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52495 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(905) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(23) "22000-15-065-01G-R1.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(29) "thumb_22000-15-065-01G-R1.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=48698" }
    нове вогнезахисний пластик.

    APPLICATIONS - Food & Beverage, steam irons, carpet washers, medical and dental appliances, drink dispensers, water gasifiers, smoke machines, air conditioners.
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 905
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52701 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "23870" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(78) "0V3698 - Трубка скидання використаної дози necta" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "0V3698" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(334.18688424982) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1412" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "8.168000" public $product_quantity => string(4) "5.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(57) "/vending/0v3698-trubka-skydannia-vykorystanoji-dozy-necta" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "7.700000" public $product_price_wp => double(334.18688424982) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52359 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(5) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "0V3698.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_0V3698.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=23870" }
    Товар закінчується
    Кількість на складі: 5
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52700 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "23872" public $category_id => string(3) "114" public $name => string(53) "094048 - Затисне кільце мішка necta" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "094048" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(91) "" public $product_price => double(149.73308450154) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1175" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "3.100000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "13.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(66) "/vending/necta/kikko-kikko-max/094048-zatysne-kilitse-mishka-necta" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "3.450000" public $product_price_wp => double(149.73308450154) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52484 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(13) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(11) "0940481.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(17) "thumb_0940481.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(46) "/cart/add?category_id=114&product_id=23872" }
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 13
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52699 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "31269" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(24) "257049 - Cap fem. 6 dep." public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "257049" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(454.40736079163) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "522" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "14.139000" public $product_quantity => string(4) "3.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(30) "/vending/257049-cap-fem-6-dep-" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(9) "10.470000" public $product_price_wp => double(454.40736079163) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52413 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(3) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "257049.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_257049.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=31269" }
    • background
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    454,41 грн
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    Кількість на складі: 3
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52698 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "24743" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(93) "VE258625 - Турбіна, лічильник води type 974-9522-b ш 1,8 mm necta 258625" public $short_description => string(39) "ENTRATA/USCITA Ø 7 MM UGELLO Ø 1,8 MM" public $product_ean => string(8) "VE258625" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(97) "" public $product_price => double(303.80625840892) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "962" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "10.464000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "85.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(81) "/vending/ve258625-turbina,-lichylinyk-vody-type-974-9522-b-sh-1,8-mm-necta-258625" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "7.000000" public $product_price_wp => double(303.80625840892) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52419 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(85) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(17) "full_VE258625.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(23) "thumb_full_VE258625.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=24743" }
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 85
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52697 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "26113" public $category_id => string(3) "114" public $name => string(21) "099815 - Стопер" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "099815" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(95) "" public $product_price => double(24.738509613298) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "383" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "0.570000" public $product_quantity => string(4) "7.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(44) "/vending/necta/kikko-kikko-max/099815-stoper" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "0.570000" public $product_price_wp => double(24.738509613298) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52420 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(7) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(15) "full_099815.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(21) "thumb_full_099815.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(46) "/cart/add?category_id=114&product_id=26113" }
    • background
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    24,74 грн
    Товар закінчується
    Кількість на складі: 7
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52696 (45) { public $product_id => string(4) "3024" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(71) "097383 - Вхідний водяний електроклапан 220в" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "097383" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(91) "" public $product_price => double(781.21609305152) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1939" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "18.000000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "19.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(52) "/vending/097383-vkhidnyj-vodianyj-elektroklapan-220v" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(9) "18.000000" public $product_price_wp => double(781.21609305152) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52486 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(19) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(11) "0973831.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(17) "thumb_0973831.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(43) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=3024" }
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 19
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52695 (47) { public $product_id => string(4) "3044" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(77) "098707 - Турбіна лічильник води 1,8 мм necta" public $short_description => string(39) "ENTRATA/USCITA Ø 7 MM UGELLO Ø 1,8 MM" public $product_ean => string(6) "098707" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(91) "" public $product_price => double(347.20715246734) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "3452" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "9.600000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "40.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(63) "/vending/098707-turbina-lichylinyk-vody-9-0-99-19g-1,8-mm-necta" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "8.000000" public $product_price_wp => double(347.20715246734) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52412 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(40) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(11) "098707..JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(17) "thumb_098707..JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(43) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=3044" }
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 40
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52694 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "24165" public $category_id => string(3) "114" public $name => string(72) "090021 - Направляюча для кабеля гумова 10.5 mm" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "090021" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(44.268911939586) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1432" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "0.837200" public $product_quantity => string(6) "460.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(80) "/vending/necta/kikko-kikko-max/090021-napravliayucha-dlia-kabelia-gumova-10-5-mm" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "1.020000" public $product_price_wp => double(44.268911939586) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52429 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(460) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "090021.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_090021.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(46) "/cart/add?category_id=114&product_id=24165" }
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 460
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52693 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "12300" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(31) "255028 - Саморіз 3,9x9,5" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "255028" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(91) "" public $product_price => double(13.154810989106) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(18.792587127295) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "2806" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "11" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "0.540000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "50.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(31) "/vending/255028-samoriz-3,9x9,5" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "0.303100" public $product_price_wp => double(13.154810989106) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52483 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(50) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(11) "2550281.JPG" public $product_thumb_image => string(17) "thumb_2550281.JPG" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(86) "" public $_label_name => string(30) "Суперраспродажа" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=12300" }
    • background
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    13,15 грн
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    Кількість на складі: 50
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52692 (45) { public $product_id => string(5) "31466" public $category_id => string(3) "292" public $name => string(50) "257729 - Клапан v.n.r.-bypass assy. 12бар" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "257729" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(92) "" public $product_price => double(3038.0625840892) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(3) "476" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(1) "0" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(9) "78.220000" public $product_quantity => string(5) "10.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "0" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "0" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(64) "/cuperavtomaty/necta/kalea/257729-klapan-v-n-r-bypass-assy-12bar" public $product_nod => string(1) "0" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(9) "70.000000" public $product_price_wp => double(3038.0625840892) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52474 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(10) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(12) "257729...jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(18) "thumb_257729...jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $buy_link => string(46) "/cart/add?category_id=292&product_id=31466" }
    Товар закінчується
    Кількість на складі: 10
  • /home/user/public_html/components/com_jshopping/templates/techno_uikit3/product/related.php:26: class stdClass#52691 (47) { public $product_id => string(5) "25651" public $category_id => string(1) "1" public $name => string(47) "090020 - Резиновая втулка 16 mm" public $short_description => string(0) "" public $product_ean => string(6) "090020" public $manufacturer_code => string(0) "" public $image => string(90) "" public $product_price => double(80.291654008073) public $currency_id => string(1) "1" public $tax_id => string(1) "0" public $product_old_price => double(0) public $product_weight => string(6) "0.0000" public $average_rating => string(4) "0.00" public $reviews_count => string(1) "0" public $hits => string(4) "1030" public $weight_volume_units => string(6) "0.0000" public $basic_price_unit_id => string(1) "0" public $label_id => string(2) "10" public $product_manufacturer_id => string(1) "0" public $min_price => string(8) "1.665000" public $product_quantity => string(6) "100.00" public $different_prices => string(1) "1" public $extra_field_3 => string(0) "" public $unlimited => string(1) "0" public $product_nodiscount => string(1) "1" public $preorder_state => string(1) "0" public $product_link => string(39) "/vending/090020-rezynovaia-vtulka-16-mm" public $product_nod => string(1) "1" public $bucat => int(0) public $_original_product_price => string(8) "1.850000" public $product_price_wp => double(80.291654008073) public $product_price_default => int(0) public $show_price_from => int(0) public $product_discount_state => int(0) public $basic_price_info => array(1) { 'price_show' => int(0) } public $manufacturer => class stdClass#52487 (1) { public $name => string(0) "" } public $extra_field => array(0) { } public $vendor => string(0) "" public $delivery_time => string(0) "" public $_display_price => int(1) public $qty_in_stock => array(2) { 'qty' => double(100) 'unlimited' => string(1) "0" } public $product_name_image => string(10) "090020.jpg" public $product_thumb_image => string(16) "thumb_090020.jpg" public $template_block_product => string(11) "product.php" public $_label_image => string(77) "" public $_label_name => string(12) "Скидка" public $buy_link => string(44) "/cart/add?category_id=1&product_id=25651" }
    Товар в наявності
    Кількість на складі: 100
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